Democrats | Republicans |
Want to spend money on welfare programs | Want to spend more on defense |
Want to use government money for public education | Want to use vouchers for private/charter schools and give government aid to religious school |
Want to grant tax relief to targeted programs | Want to grant tax relief to everyone |
Against private firearm ownership, supportive of regulations on firearms | Donât want to regulate firearms |
Pro-choice | Pro-life |
Support collective bargaining and efforts to unionize | Oppose collective bargaining and support laws intended to limit union powers |
Hard money | Soft money |
Regulated contributions to candidates | Unregulated, unlimited contributions to parties for activities; limited by BCRA |
Most officials receive the endorsement/nomination of a major party
Must begin up to two years before first primary
Must seek support among party organizations
Year before first primaries: attempt to increase public profile
Primary season: raise money, get votes in primaries
Wealthy candidates have tried to run for presidency without needing federal matching funds
Successful campaign needs large staff, transportation, and resources to hire advertising agencies, pollsters, and consultants
Raising money is very important
Presidential candidates who meet certain guidelines may be federally funded
Government funds general election campaigns of two major candidates if they agree not to accept and spend other donations
Election spending has increased despite campaign finance reform
No public financing for congressional campaigns, no spending limits
Many believe that the current campaign finance system corrupts government
Defining the role of government: left sees a greater responsibility for the government than the right
Agenda-setting: identifying problems and changing them into political issues, ranking in order of importance
Policy formulation and adoption: legislative process, executive orders from the president, rules created by regulatory agencies, Supreme Court decisions
Policy implementation: enforcement through government agency; includes timetables, rules, and anticipated problems
Policy evaluation: is the policy effective? Have consequences created other problems?
Entitlement program mandated by law in which government pays benefits to all people who meet requirements
Changing law would require congressional action